Thursday, January 27, 2005

Those Jewish and Israeli bog awards

I've just read Imshin and was gobsmacked to see her endorsement for anglosaxy as the best 'Life in Israel' blog. For those of you who don't know, the Jewish and Israeli Blog awards are currently in progress, and I know anglosaxy was nominated, amongst many others, for the best 'Life in Israel' award. I haven't mentioned it up to now, because I didn't really expect to win anything, and don't feel particularly "Jewish" or "Israeli". I'm just a guy married to a girl, in Tel Aviv, telling it as it is.

I appreciate the votes, I really do, but I ain't doing this blogging malarky for awards. If it puts a smile on one or two of your faces then great, that'll do me. And anyway, now that Imshin, the original Queen of the Israel blogging scene, has endorsed me, who needs a blog award?! I feel like I've already won something!