Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tis the season...innit?

Well, got my online Christmas shopping done, what a long, hard slog that was...or not...but I know that Christmas shopping in Blighty, if I ever get to do it, will never be the same for me, especially with the demise of Woolies. Ahhh, pick n mix, what a classic.

And the Christmas tree is up, with tinsel placed strategically round the house. But still waiting to hear my first Christmas song, would you adam'n'eve it. I've just been so busy, haven't had time to pull out the songs and get a listen in...

Last night I took the kids on a Christmas tree hunt in Tel Aviv. I was targeting the main streets of Yafo as I'd heard there were a few places selling trees, but the roadworks down that way and the heavy traffic put paid to any Christmas festivity. We ended up doing the ultimate Christmas thing in the Holy Land: eating felafel, made by Israeli Arabs, sat next to a hungry pack of street cats...the kids enjoyed themselves anyway!

And what do you say about this post about Christmas in the Holy Land? It's about time you met my baby, though please excuse the holes, still in progress innit...