Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Joyful working environment

OK, so how long have I been back from China? How many days have I been stuck in the corridor? And how many times has my boss seen me, but not even said 'hello', let alone 'how was the trip?'. Not that I expected a red carpet or anything, but one word of acknowledgement would be nice...I totally give up [sigh].

As another example (I won't launch a tirade on how this company's work practices suck), we have two Indians over here at the moment, helping out the software guys. These 2 guys have been here a month already and not one person has attempted to show them Tel Aviv. So, me and O are taking them out tomorrow for some beer and pool. Not that I feel I should bother, but you gotta feel for these guys...

Methinks: time for a serious change.

In future weeks? - "Please open your books at page 23. Today's lesson: the First Conditional. Lucy Liu (fantasising about some of my potential Asian students), please see me after class, I have something to show you..."