Sunday, October 24, 2004

Wanderers reunited

O returned to the corridor of power this morning, though no sari in tow. Apparently she'd popped in on Thursday dressed up authentic Indian style, complete with red dot on the forehead. Nutter...

We swapped a couple of tales, some of which are way too risque for your delicate ears (cheating married executives, snakes and Indians dropping their trousers and openly shitting along the highway, all in the same tale), while she has whet my appetite with various job offers in Bangkok and Singapore, promising to smuggle me over as her own private Technical Writer. Just show me the money, throw in a few English students and I'm all yours dahling...

Hard to believe, or maybe not, but the Indians she worked with have a much nicer working environment than our little corridor. They get to play table tennis whenever they need a break, have a dining room open 24 hours, etc. When they came over to visit us a few months back I'm sure they were surprised to find that the great "Western" power that is Israel is actually not quite what it makes itself out to be. And then they saw our toilets, especially the one on the second floor, and realised they had Israel beat...