Friday, December 31, 2004

2004 draws to a close

Well, I wanted to blab a few facts and figures about the blog, such as this being anglosaxy's 365th day online, links to my most popular postings (which drew the most comments) and my own personal highlights of the year. But to be honest, I'm still in awe of the one word on everyone's lips at the moment - tsunami.

It kind of puts everything in perspective. Those annoying problems that litter our everyday lives just seem so trivial when you hear the stories that some of the survivors have had to go through. Fecking nightmare that you wouldn't wish on anyone.

Obviously one of the reasons why this has hit big is because of the number of tourists involved, and it seems that everyone knows someone who was there/just returned. One of my references in my current job search almost lost her brother and his family, as they were snorkelling in Krabi when the tsunami, I'm heartbroken for all those people in Khao Lak and Ko Lanta, two idyllic areas in Thailand that I was hoping to visit again this year. All those beachside huts and restaurants/bars, smashed to pieces along with their guests/customers...breaks my heart.

Anyway, trying to get on to more cheerful things, 2005 looks like it's going to pretty eventful, at least for me anyway. A lot of things in the pipeline, like moving house, starting the school (I've recently bought a domain)/changing jobs, etc...BUT first things first, a few drops of alcohol tonight to celebrate the New Year and to celebrate Rino and Shlotim's new baby boy! Only a small glass for mrs. anglosaxy, of course - damn, I'll guess I'll have to drink her share...