Sunday, September 04, 2005


This is Eilat for me...

Migdal Or beach, Eilat
Drive down towards the border crossing at Taba, stop off at Migdal Or beach, grab your snorkel, jump into the sea, gawp at the fish and coral reefs (OK, not quite as good as Sinai, but still pretty good), have yourself a nice, cold beer as your toes dangle in the Red Sea, and listen to Bob Marley or something else summery and ambient pumping out in the background...

Anglosaxy by the sea

Bless him, anglosaxy junior was an absolute star. Even The Village on a Friday afternoon wasn't too much for him...bit too much for me, mind, what with those acres of 18-20 year old flesh on display (had to jump into the water a couple of times to cool down...) and crappy wedding music disguised as r'n'b disturbing the peace.