Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Making sure the boy stays red

In a valiant attempt to ensure anglosaxy junior's allegiance to the Franco-Espagne alliance at Arsenal, I've gone and splashed out* on some goodies via the Arsenal site (one hell of a crappy online payment scheme, it almost converted me to a Spurs supporter it was that bad...). There were actually some bargains to be had amid the exorbitantly priced 'official' tops, which, in my opinion, are becoming more and more of a rip off.

Anyway, Manchester [ spits ], Chelsea [ ekhs (thats a Hebrew 'ekhs') ] and Liverpool [ once upon a long time ago they were 'the enemy', now they're just unbearable ] have been designated "naughty words" in the anglosaxy household and will be punishable by being subjected to this DVD for 5 consecutive showings upon being uttered...

* I won't tell you exactly how much I spent, coz mrs. anglosaxy might be reading this and I, well, fibbed...