Saturday, September 24, 2005

You only want a cup of coffee?

There's a cafe shop cum restaurant just across the road from the Labyrinth's offices. Very snobby and very selective. I wasn't sure how selective until I invited a new student of mine (a very nice geezer, a doctor in fact, and very gay) to sit there while we had a "conversation" lesson. While I waited for him to arrive, the waitress handed me a menu. Thought I'd be honest, so told her that we'd probably only be ordering a coffee or two. She looked at me in horror and then went back inside. One minute later she was back, telling me that unless I ordered a full meal, I couldn't stay. I looked at the waitress, looked around at the 20 empty tables around me, looked at the 5 bored and motionless waiters standing at the bar, and said "Your loss".

Never mind that my student was driving over here especially for the lesson. Never mind that this place is the only place in the 'hood (for now...) where you can sit in relative comfort (Sammy's Shnitzel stand just ain't gonna work...). Never mind that I had to rearrange the lesson for Friday, my holiest of days.

Not sure if I'm impressed at the business plan and the resolve of the management to stick by it no matter what, or amazed at their ability to turn down easy money (admittedly small in amount). Fuck 'em, I won't ever be eating "a full meal" there...