Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The searchers

Recently, it's been kinda entertaining looking up the stats I have over on Blog Patrol. I don't take it too seriously, these stat figures, though it's interesting to see the reasons behind any sudden spikes in the numbers. OK, so I know a few of you come by now and again, but it's those one-time visitors I love. And their search keywords which bring them my way.

My Top 10 favourites (100% kosher, honest guv):

"Sexy Olympic high-jumping pics" Don't look at me, mate.
"Twinkle video homo" Er, again, nothing to do with me.
"saucy sandi" OK, so I've mentioned sandy a couple of times.
"bloody ell no need 2 shout" Oy, guv'nor, whattcha on about?
"people having sax" Might I interest you in a trumpet?
"mature escorts in tel aviv" Er, my neighbour is 75. A right piece of crumpet. Interested?
"7 year old kid friend" Michael J, enough is enough...
"shout shout let it gone out depeche mode" Oh dear. Mixing up your lyrics and your bands. Feck off.
"Miss petach tikva 2005" Ugly, ugly, ugly.
"ARAB SAX" Please.

Mmm, strange that nearly all of these searches come via MSN...Google seems to attract a better kind of surfer, dahling....