Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I have to say that some of my young students are some of the cheekiest buggars I've ever met. I'm not sure if it's a general Israeli thing, coz kids are kids all over the world, but they sure run me ragged. I generally like kids and manage to 'click' with most, some might say because of me being a big kid myself...but it's a different ball game when you actually have to get something across to them. I can tell you, after using my stern and commanding voice for 5 or 6 lessons one after the other, my throat feels it on a Sunday evening.

Anyway, I have this delightful little princess who comes with her Mum. This week her Mum asked me if she could look up something on the Internet while her angel was with me. No probs, I replied. After having a delightful lesson where her daughter refused to work with another student and constantly ignored what I said, I found her Mum printing out realms and realms of Internet pages (about 40), in colour. After a 'Pyscho moment' ran briefly through my head, another one lingered longer when she informed that the pages were for her daughter's homework...

What the fuck am I, a public library? I know you're paying good money for your daughter's education but how about asking me first? mrs anglosaxy later told me that she'd told this woman that the printer was broken but she still printed her stuff out anyway...

Sooner I get a teacher to help me out the better, me thinks...and perhaps a cattle prod to steer these fuckers away from my computer...