Sunday, March 26, 2006

Homo Sapiette - March '06

Ninette Taib has a pair of lungs on her. Er, did I just say that?

But hasn't she transformed into a classy looking lady? And even though she's not the thinnest Homo Sapiette on the block, she's certainly as cute as any of the other Sapiettes. Who remembers her appearances on Kochav Nolad (the Israeli equivalent of Pop Idol) a couple of years back? I have to say, she oozed potential back then, even in her army togs (yep, the girls do National Service over here too, ain't nothing like a sweet army girl toting an Uzi or M-16, trust me on that one).

Personally I'm not a fan of the music she belts out, though she does have a good voice. What impresses me most is her "realness" - she appears to have kept her head on her shoulders despite her stardom, and despite the celeb boyfriends (first Ran, now Yehuda, allegedly (the guy in the duo pic below), she appears to have cornered the most desirable dudes in Israel. Or so my 11 year old English students tell me.).

After conquering Pop Idol and the hearts of the nation, she has since moved into acting. She's one of the main stars of HaShir Shelanu (Our Song), a soap opera only available on the Yes satellite network, loosely based around a talent school and its graduates. I hate to admit it, but I was almost hooked and then the current series ended, not sure if my interest wasn't down to Ninette's expansive lungs...

Now a top celeb in this country, that means you won't find too many revealing bikini pictures of her (but countless Diva pics). She's not that sort of girl anyway. So anyway Ninette, please love, put your microphone down for just a second: I officially crown thee the most-clothed Homo Sapiette.