Saturday, March 04, 2006


Yesterday we were in Tel Aviv, scouting round Carmel Market and its neighbourhoods for some fancy dress ideas for our upcoming party. While stuck in a traffic jam, an idea suddenly hit mrs. anglosaxy and the race was on to find the right costume and accessories...and which shall remain Top Secret for now.

What I really wanted to share with you is the delight in taking a pram, complete with an unfazed junior anglosaxy, through Carmel Market. On a Friday afternoon. Complete with moaning shoppers as I ran the pram wheels into their heels. Well, keep moving people, don't just stand there...

I have to admit, whenever I've been in the market and someone walks through with their scooter or bike, I've thought to myself: "Yep, a great place to walk through with your bike/scooter. You idiot." So, yes, I did hear the muttered comments about bringing a pram into the market, and yes, I felt a bit of an idiot. But at least I kept moving, not like those annoying buggars who walk through with their shopping trolley bags and suddenly stop right in front of you. And yesterday I was mighty close to losing it behind one particular shopper...and yes, you, the ginger bastard, who wouldn't let me pass either on the right or left, you were mighty close to being the first victim of market rage...