Sunday, February 25, 2007

Happy joy

I couldn't get out of a Corridor Land picnic (my department only) on Thursday...but I put in a pretty shabby performance, so maybe it was worth going. I do find it extremely hard to relate to the guys in my department, whereas at least some of the other guys in Corridor Land I can share a beer/shoot some pool with...

The guys in my dept. - Geek Central - are the kind who take pictures of every single fucking thing that happens. You get out of the car [click], you wave hello [click], you sit down [click], you give them the finger [click]. Really, I love taking pics, but what the fuck are you going to do with all those? They're also inclined to wet themselves over their work. Yes, I have witnessed a grown man jumping up and down, clapping his hands in pure delight at the news that a bug had been fixed. I guess you've got to admire the enthusiasm, but something in me says "get a fecking life!"

Please God, let them fire me soon...