Saturday, December 15, 2007

Buggar of a week...

Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in...

What a week I have lined up. Thanks to the end of the teachers strike over here, my main teacher, who works for a high school, now has one hell of a backlog of hours piled up and can barely come over to teach at my place. That means I have to take over most of his hours, which totally screws up my day. Because I have to work at Open Spacey, of course. And, of course, they have one enormous release going out this week, meaning lots of last minute additions and changes. And with Christmas just round the corner, my planned shopping escapades, both online and bricks and mortar stylee, are going to be limited to about 35 seconds per day...this year mrs anglosaxy might have to be happy with a packet of 5 pitot and maybe some humus...

I was almost tempted to write something a few days ago about how the teachers strike was affecting me, because business is booming thanks to a few worried parents. And my teach is a good teach, I like him a lot, it's just that now I may have to let him go because the hours he can give me just ain't gonna cut it...fuck, was I pissed on Thursday when he told me his new schedule...

Here we go again...