Friday, December 07, 2007


Tis the season...I rushed back from Open Spacey earlier this week, just in time to light the first Hanukkah candle, say a little prayer and stuff my face with a glazed, yet unoozing one. And then mrs. anglosaxy reeled off a couple of holiday songs, which Junior actually managed to sing along with (primed by his kindergarden I guess). And then she sighed and told me it was a little sad that I wasn't joining in with the singing. Never mind that if I knew the words I probably wouldn't have joined in...

I guess these are the woes of a "mixed" marriage, the holidays. With Christmas just around the corner, and me pining for it badly, my turn will come. OK, the missus enjoys Christmas, but she really has no idea about all the side dishes - the music, the food, the long build-up, the shopping, the alcohol what floweth, the decorations etc. For her, it usually means a fun afternoon in Tel Aviv (if she gets home early from work) or a trip to Blighty. And she probably doesn't really understand how I feel, especially when hearing Christmas choirs in the background when ancestors phone during their Christmas shopping splurge...

Now with the kids starting to understand what's what, especially Junior, I really want to show them what Christmas is all about. I can't really tell them about Hanukkah or Pessach or any other Jewish holiday, I think that task belongs to the missus. I'll celebrate with them of course, but won't be leading the chorus...I actually think the kids get the best deal out of it, they get double the holidays, double the presents from two sides of the family. Nothing wrong with that. I won't ever push religion down their throats, that's not my style, and when they're bigger they'll always have the right to choose not to celebrate any holiday they don't want to celebrate...

So this Christmas we might not be going home for Christmas but I'll be doing my best to make sure the anglosaxies have a great time and that Santa comes to visit...and - shhh, don't tell the littluns - after all these bleedin' Hanukkah doughnuts, I might be able to pull off a very fetching Santa...

Yep, I feckin' love Christmas...