Friday, August 01, 2008

Augustus Ripoffus

August in Israel is damned hot and sticky. For parents of toddlers it gets even hotter and stickier while the private kindergarten industry takes 3 weeks off and spits our wee ones back into our arms...

Now, I'm not one to deny anyone a break, because for fuck's sake, small business owners in this country deserve any break they can get. But, I think it's a bit fucking cheeky that we get charged for this month. They work one week and get paid the full month. And they're a private business, it's not like they're a government run place. And it's not like I can take my business somewhere else, because they've already signed us up for the next year and taken cheques. And anyway, there is no somewhere else, as all the private kindergartens apparently do this (unless you know otherwise?)...

Of course, if we want, we can register for their kaytana (summer school type thing), which is in the second week of August (when they are officially on holiday) but of course, it'll cost us an extra 1500 shekels or so per kid. What the fuck is that all about? Really, I mean, August is hot and sweaty enough without the additional headache of trying to make sure the kids are taken care of...

Oh fuck. Where are you September?