Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Crunch time

I dunno. The world seems to be in a crisis, and we're poised for the mother of all recessions, at least according to Sky News/BBC etc etc. But are things really that bad?

Don't know about you, but I seem to be in the midst of a boom. The school seems recession proof and is pulling in record numbers of students (one of my adult students absolutely loves the phrase "credit crunch"). I've got freelance gigs coming out of my ears, with a couple of startups wanting me to go over their Business Plans and write some stuff for their websites, as well as the long-term freelance gig that has just ordered another 80 hours work. And that's on top of Open Spacey, who seem fine and look like they want to take on more people and are very keen for me to be 100%, as always.

Maybe I'm in recession proof zones, but I have this feeling that the media is the main reason for this credit crunch, whipping this up into a frenzy. Or I could be just about to fall completely on my arse and end up homeless within a month...?

Just this weekend I was at a BBQ/party for MP, the old git, and the item that was on everybody's agenda was the planned Depeche Mode gig. No credit crunch, no defaulting loans, no mortgage issues and definitely no stock market woes.

So, has the credit crunch been crunching your numbers?