Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Chiko=Mr C

I returned from a lesson with Chiko an hour or so ago. Phew...

***[As my blog has started to get a few hits and is 'out there' in the public domain, and as Israel is so f**king small, I've decided to rename Chiko as Mr C, just in case he, or any of his honchos, ever get their hands on this. I'm not too sure they'd appreciate my anecdotes and, heaven forbid, you wouldn't want to see me diving into the Med with a block of concrete wrapped delicately around my feet, would you? In addition, today Mr C decided to up the ante and increase his English sessions to 3 times a week. It might take a light year or two before Mr C might ever be able to understand what's written here but you never know...Running scared? You betcha, especially after his tales of tangles with the underworld and his rumbles in the jungle with owners of those charming 'health parlours' in Ramat Gan...]***

Anyway, back to the lesson with Mr C...I decided to go on a world tour this evening:

"OK, Mr C, let's take a look at a map of the world. Can you point out Israel?"

After a few seconds of furrowed brow and serious mental effort (Scotty was working overtime in the engine room...), Mr C managed to point to Lebanon. As the map was fairly small, I let this one go...

"OK, and what about America?"

Again a few seconds of mental turmoil passed before a stocky finger prodded at Africa. I wasn't sure if he saw it, but he must have heard my jaw slap on the embarrassment, he was eager to make amends:

"I know where Australia is!" he stated proudly. Peeking through my hands that covered my face, I hesitated before daring myself to look at where he was pointing...Russia, bloody Russia!!

Next lesson: a discussion on world poverty...