Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Plenty more work

I had a lesson with a 16 year old schoolgirl today. I wrote the word 'grandfather' on my board - we'd previously been working on a glossary of terms, all connected to 'the family' (and no Mr C in sight...) - and asked her to extract as many words as she could in 5 minutes. Some of the words she came up with: eye, pie, this, and rud. Plenty more work there then...

If I have to give a preference, I would say that I prefer teaching the younger generation. I have a very enthusiastic 11 year old girl who amazes me with her desire to learn, she'll turn out OK. If the kid wants to learn, their enthusiasm is pretty contagious and the whole lesson becomes fun...just seems so much more rewarding than trying to stop my jaw from getting too bruised 3x a week with a certain adult student of mine, you know the geezer...