Friday, January 28, 2005

Can't you take a hint?

Sometimes I just can't hack it with the in-laws. Especially when I've had a long week and mrs. anglosaxy wants to go visit. Last night we went over, and as usual, what we planned on being a lightning visit turned into a Big Event. That means momma and poppa anglosaxy have to put on this big show and invite everybody round. First it's mrs. anglosaxy's brothers, who came straight from work, then their wives...and then one of the wives, who is 8 months pregnant didn't fancy coming over. Cue non-stop pleas for her to come over. I lost count after the 15th plea...I mean, isn't it a teeny weeny bit too much? She obviously didn't fancy coming over, and yet they wouldn't leave her the fuck alone. At one point it got embarrassing. I'm just glad she didn't cave in.

So, as the in-law tribe settled in for the feast and the after dinner chat session, me, for the first time in my life, I watched a game of basketball (yep, Maccabee Tel Aviv) from start to finish. Un-fucking-believable.