Monday, August 01, 2005

Confessional booth

Sometimes I really hate being in this country.
Sometimes I really love being in this country.
Sometimes I let people assume I'm Jewish.
Sometimes I love informing people that I'm not Jewish just to see their reaction.
Sometimes I pretend I can't speak Hebrew.
Sometimes I pretend to be a tourist who knows the odd word in Hebrew.
Sometimes I feel I'm way too good at my job.
Sometimes I feel like a fraud at work.
Sometimes I absolutely resent feedback on my work.
Sometimes I know my work needs so much more feedback.
Sometimes I spend way too much time on the Internet.
Sometimes I spend way too much time on the Internet at work.
Sometimes I really hate being tall.
Sometimes I really love being tall.
Sometimes I try to fart when alone in a lift.
Sometimes I blame others for my farts.
Sometimes I realise I have an amazing wife, and son.
Sometimes I really wish I was still single.
Sometimes I flirt and shmooze when maybe I shouldn't.
Sometimes I hate it when mrs. anglosaxy shmoozes with her customers.
Sometimes I'm glad we bought our own place in Tel Aviv.
Sometimes I rue the day we signed up for a mortgage and the long term commitment.
Sometimes I have no idea how to explain something to an English student.
Sometimes I actually laugh when I hear bad English from a student.
Sometimes I love being alone, just me myself and I.
Sometimes I wish my family was just around the corner.

Something on your chest? Go on, confess to me in the comments...