Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Leftover scraps

Some leftovers from the ancestral pilgrimage to the Holy Land:

"Ooooh, these Israelis aren't half rude. They keep pushing past me without so much as a 'Sorry' or 'Excuse me'..."

"'Ere son, what are these little brown things the waitress keeps serving alongside the beers?"

"How do they still have something to talk about...?" (after the 6th hour at an in-law visit)

The normal reactions from any sane Brit when visiting Israel. I've been there too...

Oh yeh. One last thing - Miri Aloni. Get over yourself love. My parents weren't taking pictures of you, so chill out and rein in those illusions of grandeur. No need to make a scene, I think, you old has-been. What was that from the back, nice voice shame about the face? Oooh...