Thursday, February 23, 2006

Homo Sapiette - February '06

Moran Eisenstein

Wee Moran Eisenstein.

Or at least she was 'wee' before the implants...

Surgically enhanced females don't really do it for me, I'm sorry to say, but we'll give exceptions for Moran, because there is something undeniably vulnerable about her. Perhaps it's the way she was apparently dumped by her singer boyfriend HaSaruf (The Burnt One, don't ask...). Or perhaps the way she shed a tear on primetime TV (the Yair Lapid show), when asked about her deceased father. But then again, it might all have been a big show to get herself listed as an anglosaxy Homo Sapiette. You can never tell with these celebrity types.

Her big break was her rather chesty pout for the Netvision ad (local Internet company) some years back, when she rather cheekily asked us: "And if I don't fancy it on Tuesday?..."

Moran Eisenstein Moran Eisenstein

Since then she's been plodding the minor celebrity rout, with kiddie shows here and ad campaigns there and also a bit of TV hosting for Yes, the local satellite network. The inevitable rout of bimbo actress>pop star was also attempted, with a song she wrote when she was 14. I'm quite content to say that I've yet to hear it. She has even recently taken over from a favourite Homo Sapiette of ours in the play "I'm here because of my wife".

So I guess she's here to stay, for now, and is attempting to turn "serious", though her initial attempts at breaking through as a bimbo-type will probably haunt her for ever. We say, never mind Moran, you can now say you've really made it, what with your February Homo Sapiette double-spread...