Thursday, March 16, 2006

Parking the gender to one side

I've got to hand it to the missus. She's a parking demon.

Or more precisely, she's got the Israeli nerve to park where she sees fit. Which could really end with the car being parked anywhere. I've lost count of the number of parking tickets that get docked automatically from my salary (after she remembers and tearfully confesses - after a rigorous interrogation - to parking a little "dodgy" some 3 months earlier).

Whenever we go out, especially to Tel Aviv, we always end up rucking over the spaces that we should have parked in, depending on who's driving...she still maintains that a red and white marked kerb is totally safe...I just hold my hands up in the air and ask "OK, so the towing fee and fine is on you?". I'm still not sure whether this is a male/female thing or an Israeli/Cultured European thing, the jury is still out...

I admit, we've yet to be towed away. But the day is coming, and you know what, I'll be kinda happy. Maybe it's just the chauvinistic anti-Israeli in me, but I've got this feeling you'll be finding me rolling on the floor, in hysterics, the day it happens...

Update: I originally wrote this 3 days ago. Yesterday evening, a flustered mrs. anglosaxy walked in with a 250 shekel parking ticket. Thank you for listening.