Sunday, June 10, 2007

Just around the corner...

Will someone please put me out of my misery...
I'm not sure how much longer I can wait for the summer to arrive...I mean, I've been wearing my flip flops, my shorts, even my cutoff jeans for a couple of months now, and have been through at least 3 stifling sharavs, but still, the Israeli summer hasn't started. At least according to the news and the weather forecasters*. How much longer can they continue with the denial? The deceit, the beach bum status is hanging by a thread and yet, do they care?

Are they waiting for the purely sticky days of July /August before they can announce that summer is upon us? Or are they just scared of calling it summer and then having to admit that 3 drops of rain might fall early tomorrow morning? Future politicians, these weather forecasters...

*Easiest job in the world = Israeli weather forecaster - "er, it's going to be very hot tomorrow. And for the rest of the summer..."