...since you get to skip some of life's more oderous tasks, including:
- Avoiding nappy duty. Sorry love, couldn't smell a thing...
- Missing out on junior's remarkably smelly feet. Even more smelly than mine, yes indeedy.
- Being oblivious to the Ruskie programmer's extraordinary bad breath, especially when he smiles his steel-crowned gnashers at you.
- Not throwing today's socks into the wash because, well, they don't look like they smell. Sorry love, couldn't smell a thing...
- Not having to suffer the after-effects of a mrs. anglosaxy Bamba session. Those of you who know, know...
- Walking down Allenby Street and remaining unaware of the piss-stained shop entrances.
- Driving behind a garbage truck without having to wind your windows up.
- Finally getting to use Open Spacey's rank board markers. Fuck me they stink, but then, right now, I'm oblivious...
- Failing to uncover those rotting potatoes in that
DMZ areacorner of the kitchen. Sorry love, couldn't smell a thing...