Saturday, February 09, 2008

February's Homo Sapiette - Vika

Well, I had somebody else lined up to open this season's bevy of beauties, but after she was dumped last week from The Survivor (Israel's hottest TV show at the moment), I thought I'd better start with Vika Finkelstein, moments before she disappears into anonymity, or hits the big time, not quite sure which...

I have to admit, The Survivor has sucked me in for a few episodes, and Vika's prancing around in a skimpy bikini certainly didn't have me reaching for the remote too often. A Tel Aviv lass, Vika was practically unknown before the show, apart from some minor modelling jobs. She's bound to have her 15 minutes of fame over the next weeks, but does she have something extra to take her beyond that? Time will tell...though sticking her tongue out at selected events and building beach huts could prove money-spinning...