Thursday, February 28, 2008


Blimey! What the feck was that?
Last night I was struck down by some mysterious stomach bug that had me shivering and gripping the sides of the lav at 4 in the morning. After getting a couple of hours sleep I was woken by some heavy duty indigestion that had me calling a sickie and clearing a path to the lav. Junior joined me in the sick ward after pulling a sickie on his kindergarten (he'd done the vomiting bit a couple of days earlier, so he gets the blame), so at least I had some company. But less than 24 hours later, it's all over. Not a shiver in sight, not a regurgitated carrot to be seen.
Just thought you should know...

UPDATE: Uh-oh, now Juniorette's turn. Watch out mrs. anglosaxy, you're next...