Monday, January 10, 2005

Signs of winter in Israel, part II

There I was researching away, trying to find some links on today's winter topic, the Krembo, when I came across David's archive post, go read it. So, since David has done a great job, I won't go on about the history behind Krembos and why you only see them in the winter, BUT I will mention that for me, you've got to eat them from the top down, saving that biscuit base for last. AND you just have to touch the filling with your fingers, it's disgustingly sticky! I'm not sure of the equivalent in England, probably the closest is a Wagon Wheel.

Below are some pictures of Krembos, the blue wrapping is vanilla flavoured, while the brown is mocca flavoured. These two flavours are the standard, though I've seen a couple of others in previous years.

Fully clothed:


Ravaged (note the biscuit base, left for last):