Monday, May 01, 2006

A reminder...

...of just how much this country can wind me up.

A couple of days ago I went to the post office in smallsville to pick up some Easter eggs (oh my, including a big bag of these) sent by junior's grandparents. We'll skip the part of there being only one post office in the whole of smallsville, after they closed down 2 branches last month, one of which was across the road from my place. We'll also skip the part about there being no parking reasonably close to the only post office in town. You know what, the horrendous queue of about 50 people crammed into one tiny post office, I'm feeling large, it's on me...

The annoying part: the clerk asks me for my ID card while serving another 3 people (though the parcel collection queue is thankfully a tenth of the size of the main queue). I put it back in my wallet. I wait for my parcel. Another guy comes out with the parcel. Asks for my ID card. I get it out again, he writes something down. I put it back in my wallet. A third clerk double-checks, asks to see my ID card. A boiling inner rage is cooking up. I question the need to see my ID card 3 times. I'm ignored. And then ^ thud ^ he drops the parcel on the floor. I glare at the mother fucker and say: "If there's something breakable in there* you're paying for it". I walk out, tattered parcel in hands, muttering under my breath.

I fuckin' hate post offices in this country.

* Nothing breakable, just a load of chocolates. But still...